я слушаю это когда мне говорят что любят не тебя,а другого человека Faber Drive
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Исполнитель: Faber Drive
Песня: я слушаю это когда мне говорят что любят не тебя,а другого человека
Длительность mp3: 03:25
Обновлено: 2015-12-18
Текст набрал просмотров: 699
Another sleepless night and,
still staring at the ceiling.
I can hear him fighting,
with her for no good reason.
Will this ever end?
Will this house be a home again?
If i had my way,
I'd corner him and say...
Put yourself in her position.
All she needs is recognition.
Love's not enough when you say it.
Don't you know you gotta mean it?
Screwing up the best thing ever, is something you'll regret forever
Another day goes by and,
nothings changed she's still the same.
I can hear her crying,
thinking shes the one to blame.
Will this ever end?
Will this house be a home again?
If i had my way,
I'd corner him and say...
Put yourself in her position.
All she needs is recognition.
Love's not enough when you say it.
Don't you know you gotta mean it?
Screwing up the best thing ever, is something you'll regret forever.
Take her and make sure she feels it.
Let her know you'll never let her go.
Screwing up the best thing ever, is something you'll regret forever.
Another sleepless night and,
nothings changed she's still the same.
Another stupid fight and,
someone's gotta say...
Put yourself in her position.
All she needs is recognition.
Love's not enough when you say it.
Don't you know you gotta mean it?
Screwing up the best thing ever, is something you'll regret forever.
Take her and make sure she feels it.
Let her know you'll never let her go.
you'll never let her go.
no, no, no.
Put yourself in her position.
All she needs is recognition.
Take her and make sure she feels it.
Let her know you'll never let her go.
- Русский реп (ему..) - Про любовь) ты сам выбрал себе другого человека а я тебя любила..
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